It’s Been One of Those Weeks!

You know the kind I’m talking about.

Do you have them?

Please tell me you do.

I’m not alone right?


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I have felt stressed!

I have said “yes” to one too many things and now I’m paying for it.

Stress makes me grumpy!

I don’t even want to be around myself!!

I googled it…..moodiness and stress.

Seriously, I did, I google everything.

I already knew what I needed to do but reading it was a good reminder.

Here’s my plan…………

1. I need to get rid of some of the stress.

I know what you’re thinking. Your kids cause you stress.

No you can’t get rid of them.  That’s not an option!

But there are some stresses we can get rid of.

I am finding more and more the need to prioritize my time.

My time with the Lord and my time with my family are high priority.

Everything else is up for grabs.

I’m going to say “no” to some things that are keeping me too busy.

As women we think if it’s a “good”  thing we need to do it.

But that ‘s a lie from Satan.

He loves nothing better than to keep us busy.

The busier we are the more stressed we become.

And let’s be honest the people closest to us are the ones who suffer.

2. I’m going to start exercising!

I use to be much more disciplined but in the last year I have gotten lazy.

One of the best de-stressers is exercise.

Exercise releases endorphins in your brain, increases blood flow, and oxygen in your cells.

Exercise also relaxes you, reduces your stress hormones and improves your sleep.

If you are like me and feeling stressed……..start moving that body!

3. I’m going to cut back on my caffeine and sugar intake. (This one hurts a little)

The effects of combining sugar and caffeine are devastating on the body.

The blood glucose levels soar and then crash shortly afterwards.

My diet has not been ideal.

I’m going to make a more concentrated effort.

Less sugar and caffeine.

More fruits and vegetables!

If you’re feeling stressed today let me leave you with this……….

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22

What do you do to keep from stressing? I would love to hear from you!

Walking in His Grace,

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  1. Morning! I just found you on twitter (me = @WholeLivingGal) and I’m so glad I did! I love this post about reducing stress!! I can help inspire you to take care of the physical, and you can inspire me to wear cuter shoes. 🙂 I hope you have a fabulous day – I look forward to connecting more on twitter 🙂

  2. ~STRESS~ is such a bad word if you ask me. I (like you) admit to being a control freak…we have to let the small things loose and take care of the temple God has given us. Say some no’s and more YES’S to Cyndi!!!
    For quit a few weeks now I have gotten up EARLY for quiet prayer and Bible study then before I begin work I go to the ROC and walk for at least 30 minutes to refresh ME!!! 🙂 Get your MP3 player and jam to some great music and do YOUR thing!!! I love the zumba class BUT something always happens–practice, sick kids, sick self it is so hard for me to make. So just make small changes for YOU and you will feel your ~STRESS~ decrease!!

  3. I absolutely abhor stress! We fight hard in our family to keep stress out of our lives. The main thing we do is try not to over schedule ourselves.

    When stress hits us (sometimes you just can’t out run it!) I try to increase the communication with my man. I don’t want anything creeping in and stealing the peace in our marriage.

  4. I exercise every morning before the children get up- it’s a commitment because 5:30 comes too soon! I drink water, sometimes tea, and this winter I’ve caved to hot chocolate too much. I am also trying to cut back on the sugar- it’s best to not have it in the house!! 🙂 I also try to go to bed and get up at about the same time daily- even on the weekends. And lastly, I try to plan- because if I don’t have one, then someone will make one for me and I probably won’t like it- it’s just better to be prepared with some structure. I also wait if I can to make commitments so that I can take the time to evaluate if I really need to take on a responsibility.

  5. Large coke from McDonald’s does the trick for me!
    Oh yeah…you said less sugar.
    I guess I will have to stay stressed! 🙂

    Seriously, I think those are all great ideas.
    Sometimes we just have bad weeks.
    Mom always said that God has a soft spot in His heart for mothers because He knows all that we do.
    Don’t beat yourself up! You just have a big heart that wants to take care of everybody and sometimes there isn’t enough of you to go around.
    Take a break.
    We won’t fall apart.
    I think.
