A New Mommy Glow

When you talk about makeup and beauty products we’re all looking for things that will make us glow.  In my case, I’m in my forties so I’m always looking for things that will give me a youthful glow {wink}.

Lately, I’ve noticed another glow and I’ve seen it in my daughter, Courtney. Last September she gave birth to Colt Allen Rogers and although she has lost a lot of sleep over the last few months, she still has that new mommy glow. She loves being a Mom and it shows!

Colt Allen’s 1st Christmas. He looks excited doesn’t he?

Daddy and Mommy with Colt Allen.

Courtney seems to have found her purpose in life and she is soaking up every minute with her sweet baby boy. She blogs about being a Mom and a wife at Hope Floats. She’s always looking for advice from other Moms (I don’t know why she needs other opinions when she has mine!).

This week Colt Allen turned four months old! Oh my he’s growing so fast!

Thought for Today:

I think we can all have a glow even if we don’t have a new baby. I want to glow for Jesus and share his light in a world that is sometimes full of darkness.

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! Ephesians 5:8

Let’s shine His light!!

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  1. Hi Cyndi,
    My mom and I were wondering who does your hair? We love it! Thanks!

    Richmond, KY

  2. Hey Nancy!
    I got that scarf for Courtney for Christmas at a boutique in downtown Lexington, Ky. Unless you live close I’m not sure where else you could find it! Sorry about that!
    thanks for stopping by,

  3. Hi Cyndi, love learning from your fashion tips and spiritual encouragement! I love Courtney’s scarf!! Do you know where she go it? Thank you 🙂

  4. More beautiful pictures, Cyndi! 🙂 I want that glow that comes from having Jesus living in me. May He always shine through me!

    Many blessings!