Running The Race

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you feel you’re taking two steps forward and three steps back? You know you’re running the race but you’re always lagging behind?

This verse is for you (and me). Hebrews 12:1 (AMP) says,

Running The Race

I’m drawn to verses in scripture that talk about running the race. Mainly, because I have a very competitive spirit, thanks to my Dad. As a family, we love to watch sports and of course, we like to win.

When I’m having one of those weeks where I feel I’m lagging behind, I read this verse. I’m reminded of the great cloud of witnesses that are cheering me on.

I imagine them saying, “Keep going!” “Finish the race!” “You can do it Cyndi!”

Maybe today, you need some encouragement. Maybe you need to know there’s a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on!

I’m cheering for you too!

Most importantly, Jesus is cheering you on and He’s For YOU.


Have a blessed Sunday friends!!

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  1. Cyndi-I love that verse. When I was 18, I went to an awesome 2 week Young Life camp-Pioneer Plunge. No makeup, mirrors or watches. We worked digging an outhouse, gathering eggs for breakfast, no hot water, etc. Believe me, it was one of the best 2 weeks of my life. At the end, we ran down our mountain in North Carolina with that verse as our focus. It takes me straight back to that on fire girl every time. I am now almost 30 years older, and am still that on fire girl, just a little wiser. Thanks for the verse, and the reminder to RUN THE RACE! If we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, we are also the witnesses to each other!

  2. Wow, Cyndi thanks for sharing that verse! Last Friday I was hospitalized with abnormal heart rhythms and ended up there 4 days. The meds have made my blood pressure drop too low and I have been dealing with severe problems ever since. I know the importance of prayer but in the midst of this struggle I have felt fear and anxiety like never before. I need to be reminded that this race is with a beautiful end goal in site. Thanks for your faithfulness!