Taking Some Time Off For This……

I’ve taken a few days off from blogging to spend some time with my family on vacation.

This is a special one!

~First one since our daughter married so we have a new family member with us! ( I have some crazy rules that we never take boyfriends or girlfriends on vacation with us, yes I’m one of those mean Moms but I think some things should be saved for their spouse. I need to write a post about this someday.)

~Last one without our new addition…Colt Allen. We can’t wait until he gets here!!

Our family all loves the water so we’re hoping Colt does too!

Have a great day!

Walking in His Grace,


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  1. Glad you are having a relaxing timer. I couldn’t agree with you more on the statement about some things just needing to wait. Not many people who have that old fashion sentiment anymore. Have fun! Gail