Simply Sunday…..All I Ever Have To Be

Years ago I was going through a difficult time in my young life.

I was in college and would wake up very early in the morning and study.

I would play one song over and over (I think it was a cassette tape,

does anyone remember those??).

The song was All I Ever Have To Be by Amy Grant. The words spoke to

me because I knew in the midst of my struggles God had a plan for me.

And now twenty some years later I still love this song and I’m reminded,

“All I ever have to be is what you’ve made me,

Any more or less would be a step out of your plan”

Take a few moments and know that He made you and He loves you!


Have a blessed Sunday!

Walking in His Grace,

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  1. Such a powerful song with such meaning. Thank you for sharing this today. Knowing in the midst of all my struggles God has a plan for us- yes He does. Pray for us Cyndi and Wayne.